Combat Pilot wearing HMD

Helmet Mounted Display

Helicopter Pilot wearing HDTS

Intelligent Pilot Interface Solutions

Increasing Pilot’s Effectiveness and Safety with Helmet-Mounted Systems (HMS).

Today’s sophisticated air combat arena has changed the game for pilots as the ability to outmaneuver or “out-fly” the enemy is no longer a guarantee of aerial superiority.

Pilots must constantly maintain the highest levels of situational awareness – whether air-to-air, air-to-ground, or to-and-from the mission core – in order to successfully achieve their operational goals.

Elbit Systems’ Helmet Mounted Systems (HMS) enable pilots to view flight data, sensor and 3D location-based information within direct line-of-sight (LOS). The HMS allows the pilot to slave the aircraft’s sensors to its avionics systems and missiles simply by looking at the target. Suitable for both day and night operation, the HMS can be supplied as part of upgrade programs or on a stand-alone basis.

Elbit Systems is a global leader in HMS systems, having innovated, developed and integrated several generations of HMS for both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. Elbit Systems, together with its subsidiary RCEVS – jointly owned with Rockwell Collins – has more production and operational experience than any other company in the field.