We place importance on our ESG practices, including environmental, health and safety (EHS); corporate governance, ethics and anti-corruption; fair labor practices and human rights; supply chain compliance; and social responsibility to the communities in which we live and work. This is consistent with our policy of emphasizing responsible and ethical business practices. Our ESG policies are overseen by our board of directors (Board) and managed by our senior management. We establish multi-year ESG-related goals. Our ESG activities support our involvement as active members in leading sustainability and ethics organizations. We published an ESG Highlights Report for 2023, available on our website, detailing our main ESG-related activities, including our progress towards achieving ESG-related goals.
As part of our overall ESG policies, we are committed to leading environmental, health and safety standards in all aspects of our operations. This includes all regulatory requirements as well as compliance with ISO-14001 and ISO-45001 standards. We also conduct a number of measures on an ongoing basis to promote environmentally friendly operational practices and address climate change goals, including measures to reduce electricity, fuel and water consumption, to increase recycling and to incorporate environmental protection measures in our manufacturing processes. We are also engaged in various business and operational activities related to the environment. For example, in 2023 one of our subsidiaries, Opgal Optronic Industries Ltd., added a production line for its methane leaks detection camera, which enables monitoring and treatment of greenhouse gas emissions that are harmful to the environment.
We utilize a global EHS management system and internal audits and surveys to address risk analysis, regulatory compliance and policy updates. EHS risks are an integral part of our risk management processes. We periodically review and assess our compliance with applicable EHS regulations and our internal policies, address gaps and establish corresponding action plans. In 2023, we participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project for the fourth time and published for the fourth time an EHS report summarizing key elements of our compliance activities, which is available on our website. There are no material environmental issues that prevent the Company from using our facilities or materially affect our ongoing activities.
We conduct our business activities and develop Company policies based on a firm commitment to ethical practices and corporate governance best practices. Our Board complies with leading corporate governance practices as set forth in Board committee charters published on our website. We also promote gender diversity among our Board members and have adopted a policy of having at least 25% gender-diverse members on our Board. We also have a dedicated process for risk management that is coordinated with our Board.
In addition to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Ethics Code) and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, we have an active Company-wide ethics compliance program, incorporating a range of policies and procedures. This includes the anti-bribery/corruption area where we have a policy of zero tolerance for corruption. Our anti-bribery/corruption compliance program also includes a number of elements such as whistleblower and investigation processes, contractual requirements, due diligence, ongoing organization-wide as well as function-focused training, record keeping and enforcement. We also expect our supply chain and Industrial Participation/ offset transactions to follow ethical practices (see “Supply Chain Compliance” below). Our Ethics Code, Whistleblower and Investigations Procedure, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance Policy, Procedure on Anti-Bribery and Corruption Due Diligence, Business Entertainment and Gifts Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct are published on our website. We are also active in a number of international organizations relating to ethics and compliance.
Our ESG policies address fairness and transparency in our workforce, and we promote and implement fair labor practices and employees’ human rights throughout our organization. Our Human Rights Statement, which was adopted by our Board, is published on our website. We respect data privacy relating to our employees. We act to prevent sexual harassment and workplace bullying. We also implement non-discriminatory hiring and promotion practices and actively pursue gender diversity in our workforce. In addition, we promote transparency with our employees regarding our labor and management practices. As part of the implementation of the Equal Pay for Female and Male Employees Law in Israel, we conduct an evaluation regarding possible gender pay gaps among our employees according to the criteria provided by the law, and publish the results on our website. We also provide certain information to our employees, as required under the law.
All of our activities in the area of munitions, including those of IMI, are in compliance with the international Convention on Cluster Munitions that entered into force in August 2010.
Our policy is to follow leading ESG practices in relation to our supply chain. Our suppliers are required to commit to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is published on our website, that addresses supply chain compliance issues such as fair labor practices, combating human trafficking, ethics and anti-corruption, avoidance of conflicts of interests, restrictions on the use of conflict minerals, cyber security and prevention of counterfeit parts. Our Supplier Code of Conduct also provides a whistleblower mechanism for current and potential members of our supply chain. Our Industrial Participation/ offset activities also are conducted in accordance with our supply chain compliance policies and procedures.
Our ESG policy encourages the voluntary efforts of our Company entities and employees, who donate their time and efforts in the support of members of our communities who are in need. In this regard, we strive to give priority to initiatives that promote educational advancement in less developed communities, particularly in the technology sectors. We also focus on initiatives that encourage greater numbers of women to engage in engineering-related careers. We promote numerous other community support activities, including involvement on a national level in major charitable organizations in Israel and the U.S.