Smart ballistic glasses for see-through situational awareness
Fully integrated with Elbit Systems’ Torch-X Dismounted solutions warrior combat suite, SmartEye is head-mounted eyewear providing the dismounted commander with see-through augmented reality symbology and imagery. SmartEye combines ergonomic ballistic goggles with a real-time geo-oriented C2 display. The glasses also provide instant identification and registration of images to a 3D imagery database.
SmartEye’s dynamic adjustable display features an intuitive tactile user interface, with the processing unit located in the soldier’s vest or helmet. SmartEye’s advanced inertial unit performs lineof-sight (LOS) and precise participant location and identification (PPLI) calculations. The glasses can interface with multiple video sources, including weapon sights, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and reconnaissance unit inputs. SmartEye can be integrated with a helmet-mounted night sensor for enhanced operation during night missions.