Self-Protection & Electronic Attack System for Airborne Platforms
High-End Modular Electronic Countermeasures for Fighter and Transport Aircraft
Today’s aircraft face the challenge of rapidly evolving battlespaces in which a multi-layered defense is critical
for their survival. Electronic countermeasures, including advanced jamming solutions, provide an important protection layer. Overcoming enemy air defense and communication systems, they safeguard the aircraft and its crew while enabling successful mission completion.
Based on the combat-proven SPEAR™ product family, the modular SPEAR AECM Pod provides powerful and modular Self-protection, Electronic Attack and Reconnaissance capabilities enabling fighter and transport aircraft self protection and survivability.
The SPEAR AECM Pod creates a complete threat picture and provides sophisticated radar and multi-threat jamming techniques that deceive and suppress enemy defense systems. It can operate independently as a
standalone system or as part of a complete EW suite.