Land Forces Training Systems
Elbit Systems' Live Combat Training System (LCTS) is an advanced and comprehensive solution for joint tactical force-on-force live training.
This innovative system offers a realistic and unified live training environment, fully independent and easily deployable, making it highly efficient for training in various terrains, including urban areas, without the need for on-site installation.
The LCTS is a fully integrated training system that combines laser suites for dismounted infantry and armored vehicles, along with independent broadband communication and control center capabilities. This combination of innovative technologies and software results in an authentic arena environment that provides the utmost in realistic battlefield training.
The LCTS enables efficient combat training in various terrains – including urban areas – without the need for complex on-site installation. With the aid of advanced mobile broadband communications, the system simulates both direct and indirect weapon effects, as well as the monitoring and analysis of training exercises. Fully scalable, the LCTS can accommodate a large number of trainees, weapons or platforms.
LCTS is a live training system providing true-to-life battlefield conditions and a high-fidelity replication of weapons and tactical engagements. Designed to provide the utmost in realistic battlefield training, the system combines innovative technologies and software resulting in an authentic arena environment.
Key Benefits
Unified Components & Interoperability
Scalable Training Solution
Lightweight Eye-Safe Laser Emitters & Sensors
Urban Training Solution
Cutting edge mobile communication
Lightweight Eye-Safe Laser Emitters & Sensors
Unified Components & Interoperability
Urban Training Solution
Scalable Training Solution
Cutting edge mobile communication
Key Features
Weapon effects simulation (WES)
Scalable Comms System
Realistic Weapon Simulation Control Center
Adjustable Range Laser Emitter
Umpire Roles
Realistic Weapon Simulation Control Center
Weapon effects simulation (WES)
Adjustable Range Laser Emitter
Scalable Comms System
Umpire Roles
System Components
Control Center
Control Center
- Advanced management and monitoring tools
- 2D and 3D display of the combat training area
- Wide range of simulated weapons, such as mortars, artillery and mines, as well as nuclear,available biological and chemical events
- Scalable for up to 10,000 concurrent trainees,based on COTS hardware
- Interoperability with C4I systems and tactical communications
Communications Infrastructure
Communications Infrastructure
- Communications system for data, voice and video; supports any IP protocol
- Single piece of equipment for all player types and controllers
- Remote software and firmware updates
- Secure end-to-end data transfer
Player Unit Training Kit
Player Unit Training Kit
- Advanced player unit computer
- Cutting-edge laser sensors
- Lightweight, Class I eye-safe multi-purpose laser emitter
- Audio and video interfaces
- Component connectivity via wireless PAN
Vehicle Unit Training Kit
Vehicle Unit Training Kit
- Advanced vehicle unit computer
- Independent wireless sensors, with a 360º range
- Ballistic laser emitter
Urban Training
Urban Training
- Complete solution for urban training without the need for complex on-site installation
- Automatic tracking of trainee position in urban areas when GPS is not available