Tactical SATCOM on-the-move and on-the-walk
E-LynX™ SAT provides secure tactical satellite communication (SATCOM) for voice, data and video transmission beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) over standard KA and KU-band GEO, MEO and LEO satellites. The solution features multiple configurations for secure connectivity on-the-walk and on-the-move and easily connects with most major tactical radio equipment and C4I systems.
Lightweight, ruggedized and versatile, E-LynX™ SAT is suitable for deployed tactical forces and can be integrated on a wide range of platforms, soldier portable, vehicular, airborne and maritime.
The E-LynX™ SAT unique add-on system is designed to provide SATCOM connectivity to secured VHF/UHF military radio equipment and C4I systems, with standard IP protocols and interfaces. The compact, easy-to-operate terminal delivers secure and immune communications from the individual soldier to regional command posts across any geographic location and terrain. E-LynX™ SAT consists of two main units, a hub at the stationary ground station and mobile end-user terminals in different frequency bands, sizes and bandwidths.