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Seagull™ USV

Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel

Unmanned surface vessel with advanced multi-mission capabilities

The Seagull unmanned surface vessel (USV) system provides naval forces with significant tactical advantages in underwater and surface warfare.


Featuring modular and switchable mission payload suites with advanced sonars and subsystems, the fully autonomous Seagull USV can be deployed for multiple manned and unmanned missions. The Seagull USV incorporates mine
counter measures (MCM), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), maritime security (MS), electronic warfare (EW) and other advanced systems and technologies.
The only vessel of its kind that integrates all operational modes on one platform, the Seagull USV enables conducting ASW, MCM, EW, MS, hydrography and other operations from a single mission control system. The Seagull USV complies with all international maritime and Mil-Spec standards.


Naval force multiplier: Multi-mission payloads

The fully autonomous Seagull USV can operate at cruising speed for more than 4 full days at sea and is equipped to perform extensive missions. Comprised of composite and aluminum materials, the vessel incorporates removable floats and bridge dynamic positioning. The 12m Seagull USV is easily deployed from port or mother ship and can be transported in a 40 ft. container.

Operational capabilities and systems
Elbit Seagull USV
Underwater systems and sensors
Underwater systems and sensors

The Seagull USV provides high-performance operational capabilities with leading sonar technologies, including towed sonar systems such as KATFISH with Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS), GTI Towed Reelable Active-Passive Sonar (TRAPS), long-range dipping sonar and forward looking sonar.

Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel
Weapon systems
Weapon systems

The Seagull USV is armed with a 12.7mm remote controlled weapon system, torpedo launching system and a nonlethal weapon system. It also features electronic support measures (ESM) and electronic counter measures (ECM), electro-optical sensor, expendable mine disposal vehicles and diver’s neutralization system.

Elbit USV
Advanced Mission Control System
Advanced Mission Control System

The Seagull USV can be operated in manned and unmanned modes using line-of-sight and SATCOM data links and an integrated navigation, sailing and safety suite. The Mission Control System (MCS) can be located on a mother ship, headquarters, or land vehicle. Featuring integrated C4I capabilities, the MCS can control two vessels simultaneously.

Mine Counter Measures
Mine Counter Measures

The Seagull USV’s MCM capabilities include detection, classification, localization, identification of bottom, moored and drifting sea mines and navigation out of the minefield.

Anti-Submarine Warfare
Anti-Submarine Warfare

The Seagull USV performs low-risk ASW missions while in motion, with enhanced detection capabilities.