

Digital Compact Multi-Purpose Advanced Stabilized System - UAV

The DCoMPASS payload is the one of the newest members of our CoMPASS battle-proven stabilized EO payload family, in service with leading customers worldwide.

  • Delivers superb day and night intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and tactical reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities in the harshest weather conditions
  • Single LRU configuration integrating up to five EO elements: HD color TV camera with optional low light mode, large format thermal imager, laser target illuminator, eyesafe laser range“nder (ELRF) and laser target designator
  • Lightweight, small size payload made possible by new miniature digital electronics and advanced lightweight materials
  • Precise geo-location and pointing capabilities provided by incorporated gimbal IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
  • Battle proven, military qualified for airborne application