From UAVs navigating hostile territories to fighter jets dodging advanced radar threats, Elbit Systems’ SPEAR ™ family empowers platforms to disrupt, and...
The Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasure (MUSIC) System for countering the menace of heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles.
Any aerial platform, especially rotary aircraft that remain close to the ground during military operations, can be a target and the crew and platform...
With a focus on mission excellence and applicative versatility, Elbit Systems-ISTAR &EW-ELOP's new payload aims to offer high quality performance Remote...
How quantum mechanics transform secure battlefield and intelligence communications? Elbit Systems' ISTAR & EW R&D director unveils the path to unbreakable...
The ground troops were deep inside enemy territory, the icy rivers and snowcapped mountains along the frontier made the operation tougher than they had...
The Rattler™ XR embodies Elbit Systems' response to the increasing demand for a tactical, smart, and lethal laser designator.
Introducing Elbit System's aerial force multiplier for ISTAR and EW special mission aircraft that orchestrates multi-domain Intelligence and Electronic...
This innovative multi-layered system safeguards strategic sites, manoeuvring ground forces, and convoys from the UAS menace.