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Unmanned Turrets

Unmanned Turrets

Superior Fire Control

Combat-proven firepower for armored personnel carriers, fully overhead without compromising troop safety.

The UT30MK2 is the latest generation armament system for armored personnel carriers (APC) developed by Elbit Systems. As a configurable unmanned turret, the UT30MK2 offers high- performance firepower for firing on both stationary and on-the- move targets, with the highest first-round and burst hit probability on the market.

Fully overhead with no deck penetration, the UT30MK2 does not compromise the vehicle’s armor protection and preserves existing space within the vehicle while ensuring crew safety. Designed with a very low profile, the UT30MK2 encompasses a broad range of sub-systems, including fire control, electrical drive stabilization, gunner and commander sights, battle management and protection system ‒ all developed in- house to deliver reliable, high-performance firepower on the battlefield.