Multi-domain autonomous network combat solution for unmanned heterogeneous swarms
Torch-X RAS Robotics and Autonomous System is an innovative, proven solution for planning, operation and management of all types of unmanned platforms and missions. The solution enables tactical superiority at all echelons, enhancing efficiency and transforming capabilities in contemporary warfare by enabling effective use of autonomous heterogeneous swarms. Torch-X RAS is designed to offer an advantage in peer/near peer adversary combat scenarios in multi-domain warfare, enabling coordinated deployment of swarms of connected, heterogeneous autonomous systems.
Designed to support a wide range of manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) operations, Torch-X RAS enables connectivity and control of air, sea (surface and sub-surface) and land (terrain and sub terrain) unmanned platforms that extend the range and reach of warfighters and enhance performance in all domains of the modern battlespace. Torch-X RAS is platform agnostic and can be easily integrated with any ROS-compliant platform.
An advanced solution that maximizes the effectiveness of Manned/Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T), enabling synchronized autonomous operations involving ground and aerial unmanned platforms of heterogenic fleets, Torch-X™ RAS is a platform agnostic solution that provides automated mission management aided by artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as full autonomy solutions for the platform level. The solution supports a variety of robotic interoperability standards. Torch-X RAS enables synchronized execution of a variety of operational scenarios across multiple domains while maximizing survivability of human forces.