
Hermes™ StarLiner

The first and only certified MALE UAS to operate in civilian airspace

The Hermes Starliner is Elbit Systems’ next generation Medium 

Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS).
Qualified for flight in civilian un-segregated airspace, and  in adverse weather conditions thanks to its unique and unlimited De-Icing mechanism, the Starliner features over the-horizon, persistent multi-mission, multi-sensor capabilities with a class-leading payload carrying capacity.

Hermes Starliner draws on the strong legacy of the Hermes UAS family and incorporates the most advanced aviation technologies. It is ideal for a wide range of applications, including homeland security, law enforcement, border protection, maritime patrol, and a range of civilian applications, such as agriculture, industrial inspections or post-disaster surveys.

“Anticipating the rising security need for operating unmanned aircraft in the same environment with civilian manned aircraft enabled us to achieve this breakthrough”

Elbit Systems commences global marketing of the Hermes™ 900 Starliner, a powerful and trend setting MALE UAS that features adverse weather capabilities and is fully compliant with NATO’s STANAG 4671, qualifying it to be safely integrated into civilian airspace and fly in the same environment with manned aircraft.


Meeting the strict safety and certification requirements of non-segregated airspace regulations required all the components of Hermes 900 StarLiner to be designed in full compliance with STANAG 4671 and to incorporate the most advanced aviation technologies.

Max Takeoff weight - 1,600Kg

Max Payload - 450Kg

Endurance - up to 36 h

Service Ceiling - 30,000ft

Qualified for flight in unsegregated airspace
Qualified for flight in unsegregated airspace

The StarLiner’s design and manufacturing standards are in full compliance with STANAG 4671 UAS certification requirements and it includes a Detect & Avoid (D&A) system, which incorporates an innovative Air-to-Air RADAR sensor, detecting both cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft, as well as a Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS).

All-weather capabilities
All-weather capabilities

The UAS’s adverse weather capabilities encompass an active de-icing system, direct and indirect lightning strike survivability, zero visibility landing capability, and redundant Automatic Take-Off and Landing (ATOL) capability. In addition, the StarLiner can operate effectively under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).

Improved flight performance
Improved flight performance

A powerful Heavy Fuel Engine (HFE) provides Hermes 900 StarLiner with improved climb rate, extended endurance and higher ceiling and maximum speed.

A state of the art “Glass Cockpit” Ground Control Station (GCS)
A state of the art “Glass Cockpit” Ground Control Station (GCS)

Hermes StarLiner GCS is designed based on the legacy of the Hermes Family of UAS and on commercial Airliners’ concept and displays. Each of the identical crew consoles in the GCS can be operated both as pilot and payload operator.

Built on a rich heritage
Built on a rich heritage

Elbit Systems’ extensive experience and innovative approach to all aspects of UAS development, production, fielding and support have resulted in outstanding UAS performance and highly-effective operational yields around the world. Over the last three decades, the Hermes family of UAS has accumulated over 600,000 operational flight hours.

Payload configurations and capabilities
Payload configurations and capabilities
  • Hermes StarLiner features over-the-horizon, persistent, multi-mission, multi-sensor capabilities with high bandwidth to stream of multiple sensors in real-time and a class-leading payload carrying capacity.
  • Electro Optical: Multi spectral payloads (SPECTRO XR, Wescam MX15/20, SkEye WAPS™, MIST G), Laser designator/marker
  • Radar: SAR / GMTI Radar and MPR Maritime Radar
  • EW Payloads, ELINT, COMINT