Advanced multi-domain networking solutions
The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family for advanced multi-domain networking solutions is designed to meet the complex communication and connectivity needs of the modern battlefield for all echelons and operational scenarios. The solution provides net-centric connectivity, enhancing situational awareness and operational effectiveness. The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family provides robust broadband data communication capabilities for multiple configurations, including dismounted soldiers, land combat vehicles, maritime and airborne platforms.
The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family was developed based on more than 40 years of experience deploying communication systems in more than 50 countries worldwide, accompanied by extensive R&D and comprehensive Life Cycle Support.
Robust, Fast and Powerful Network
The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family offers scalable capabilities in a flexible network structure along the command chain and across domains, providing a robust, fast, and powerful always connected network for short sensor-to-shooter cycles. Unique multi-band and multi-waveform abilities enable network optimization in different types of terrain, with no single point of failure. The solution provides complete coverage of NATO mobile frequency bands, with simultaneous multiple voice groups sessions, IP data streams and multiple live video streams, including continuous Blue Force Tracking capabilities.
Secured and Immune
The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family provides unprecedented communication coverage and attendance regardless of terrain and jammers, Low Probability to Detect (LPD) and Low Probability to Intercept (LPI) capabilities. All waveforms are GNSS agnostic synchronization-wise and highly immune to manmade and natural interferences.
Open and Flexible Integrated System
The simple and intuitive user interface, along with modular, flexible, and open architecture abilities, enable future growth with no hardware changes for 3rd party waveforms and national security solutions. The systems easily integrate with sensors, weapon systems, and legacy radios. The E-LynX™ Mobile SDR family is intuitive to operate and rapidly deployed with optimal size, weight and power consumption (SWaP).
E-LynX™ – Network Solution Highlights

A powerful SDR personal radio, with no GPS reliance for network services. The IP radio offers ad-hoc networking capabilities including multi-hop services for voice and data.

Tactical multi-band, multi-channel soldier Software Defined Radio (SDR) designed for dismounted forces. This solution offers a dynamic and secure network adaptable to any terrain or mission. With complete NATO frequency coverage across U, L, and S bands, the E-LynX SR™ provides extended network coverage and high data rates. It features advanced techniques such as cognitive waveforms with spectrum sensing, unique multi-hop concurrent flooding, and MIMO technology.

A multi-band, multi-waveform tactical IP radio in handheld configuration, the tactical SDR radio supports triple-play and full mobile tactical networks in all terrains and scenarios, providing a significant operational edge on the battlefield

A multi-band, multi-waveform tactical IP manpack radio this tactical SDR supports triple-play and full mobile tactical network in all terrains and scenarios, providing a significant operational edge on the battlefield

A multi-band, multi-waveform tactical vehicular IP radio that supports triple-play and full mobile tactical network in all terrains and scenarios, providing a significant operational edge on the battlefield

A powerful single channel, multi-band, multi-waveform vehicular tactical SDR, the multi-role single-fit SDR is designed specifically to support land and maritime combat forces over any terrain

A powerful dual channel, multi-band, multiwaveform vehicular tactical SDR, the multirole single-fit SDR is designed specifically to support land and maritime combat forces over any terrain

Multi-channel, multi-band software defined radio specifically designed for operation and installation aboard airborne platforms, the E-LynX AR provides optimal transfer of simultaneous voice, video and high rate capabilities. It is equipped with a powerful mission computer system (MCS) for Mission Airborne Radio Computer (MARC) capabilities

This is a lightweight, small-form satellite-on-the-move secure communication (SATCOM) using standard Ka-band GEO satellites. It enables communication to secured VHF/ UHF military radio equipment for voice and data and facilitates seamless communication across any geographic location, any terrain, suitable for deployed maneuvering forces and for installation on vehicular, airborne and maritime platforms

A third-generation vehicular intercommunication system, the E-LynX Intercom uses decentralized, IP-based architecture enable seamless connectivity with legacy and IP-based radios, as well as with routing and voice services. It contains innovative dismounted mission capabilities, easy installation (in compliance with NGVA protocols) and configuration for a wide range of operational scenarios