Autonomous management system for unmanned heterogeneous swarms
Dominion-X is a battle-tested, distributed framework for autonomous systems operation that enables the planning, operation, and management of heterogeneous robotic platforms and payloads in multiple domains. The open and robust software stack for autonomous UGV and UAS operations enables capabilities in key domains such as:
Swarm autonomy – encompasses adaptive, complex, collective behaviors for intelligent movement, decisions, and interactions with the environment. Human-swarm teaming highlights the need to interact, influence, and infer swarm system behaviors.
Swarm perception – involves large-scale, distributed, and dispersed sensing, fusion, and distillation of information.
Swarm networking – adaptive, resilient, fragmented sharing and storage of distributed information.
Swarm maintenance addresses hardware and software deployment, support, and maintenance of large-scale systems.
Key Benefits
Key Features

Enables the operator to manage and execute tactical missions performed by a heterogeneous swarm. The system plans missions based on user inputs, including mission type (e.g., force protection, scan and discover, mapping), time and duration (automatic overwatch, hot-swap planning), and location (mission area, takeoff, and landing zones).

Allows the robotic platforms (UGV/UAV) to perform the autonomous mission and collaborate with other swarm members. The module features advanced Edge AI and Edge DMS for distributed platforms with or without constant connection to Dominion-X AM.