
RGK 122

Precision Guidance Kit for 122mm rocket artillery

Elbit Systems RGK 122 add-on 2D precision guidance kit for 122mm rockets addresses the high-precision requirements of the modern battlefield. Based on advanced Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technologies, the RGK 122 course correction fuze delivers “first-shot hit” and flexible strike capabilities for increased combat effectiveness.

RGK 122 enhances the capability of existing rocket systems, transforming existing 122mm rocket stockpiles into GNSS precision guided weapons by simply replacing standard front-end fuzes with a guidance kit. All-in-one guidance and fuzing enable efficient operation in all weather conditions.
Firing missions are managed by the Mobile Firing Control System (MFCS), enabling existing rocket launchers to support the precision-guided munition without any modification and maintaining the same concept of operation (CONOPS).

The RGK 122 enhances 122mm rockets with high maneuverability and correction capability, enabling multi-mission simultaneously engagement of targets located in a wide footprint with a single, short salvo.
Minimal positioning and alignment of launcher is required for firing, with fast and easy mission loading via the MFCS.

High-precision circular error probability (CEP) of 20m enables engaging smaller, high-quality targets, operating in urban areas while limiting collateral damage, and delivering close range fire support to friendly forces. High correction capability offers greater flexibility in launcher positioning and pre-firing aiming procedures, for enhanced performance. First shot precision enables short time from target acquisition to target hit, reducing counter battery threats, highly effective in engagement of time-sensitive targets with reduced collateral damage, and as an alternative for Close Air Support (CAS) missions.

Enhancing battery target engagement capacity with pinpoint first shot capability, RGK 122 significantly reduces
the amount of rocket artillery required for mission success and reduces costs across the supply chain, enabling the battery to operate significantly longer before ammunition re-supply.

The add-on RGK 122 is designed to fit existing firing pods as well as tailored firing tubes. In addition to outstanding maneuverability, the guidance kit enables affordable rocket firing using a single or several launching tubes mounted on light wheeled vehicles with no special positioning procedures. Mission loading is carried out by an easy to operate setting device linked with the MFCS. Communication with the RGK122 mounted on the rocket is via an encrypted wireless data link or data cable.