Precise and Universal Launching System
Unlike standard artillery, with PULS™ there is no need to move artillery units based on the required firing range; the versatile solution can fire a variety of ammunition types to various ranges from the same position, to ranges of up to 300km.
The multi-purpose launcher features two PODS; each POD is designed for a specific rocket type: the Accular 122mm (18 rockets) with a range of up to 35km, the Accular 160mm (10 rockets) with a range of up to 40km, the EXTRA (4 rockets) with a range of up to 150km and the Predator Hawk (2 rockets) with a range of up to 300km. The system can accurately and effectively neutralize the specified targets at all ranges.
PULS™ is designed to maximize response with optimal firing flexibility, without the need for special modifications to the system. A typical firing mission can be executed in less than one minute from initiation. The PULS™ is fully adaptable to existing platforms, which enables a significant reduction in maintenance and training costs that would be necessary with a new vehicle platform. The launcher was specifically designed to bridge the gaps between all artillery building blocks: means of fire, sensors and C4I.
Key Benefits
Key Features