Wide range of Armored Vehicles and Tanks
Reliable, cost-effective and easily configurable to a wide variety of armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) and main battle tanks (MBTs), the systems range from simplified FCS for one-man light turrets to high-performance hunter-killer FCS for front-line MBTs.
With more than 12,000 FCS deployed worldwide – either as part of vehicle upgrade programs or for new vehicles – the systems are fully battle-proven and have delivered exceptional results. All systems have undergone rigorous testing and are fully compliant with MIL standards.
Fully integrated
All primary FCS components are developed and manufactured in-house, enabling seamless integration and reliable configuration for a wide range of fighting vehicles of all origins.
The FCS original components include
computers, displays, thermal sensors, laser rangefinders, complex sighting periscopes, advanced image processing, automatic target tracking, day cameras, image intensifiers, thermal cameras as well as a dual-axis panoramic sight stabilization system for gunners and commanders. All systems include a manual backup capability.
Highly accurate
Effective both day and night, in all operational scenarios and in all-weather conditions, the fully integrated and computerized sighting and firing systems feature extraordinarily high first-round hit probabilities.
NCW ready
Every FCS is configurable with Battle Management Systems used in Network Centric Warfare (NCW).
Cost-effective maintenance
The modular design combined with a built-in test embedded training; the FCS allows training within the vehicle. The crew can be presented with realistic scenarios and can perform normal tasks in response to simulated inputs. Performance can be recorded for later review and feedback.
KNIGHT features dual-axis stabilization with fully computerized sighting, advanced image processing, automatic target tracking and highly accurate on-the-move firing. KNIGHT’s modular design allows for custom-made configurations to integrate with existing capabilities on a wide variety of MBTs.
The fully computerized, dual-axis, line-of-sight stabilized DAS features fast and highly accurate target identification and engagement with long-range high first-round hit probability. In conjunction with the automatic target tracker feature, its dual-axis mirror stabilization system functions reliably day and night against both ground and air targets. DAS is easily adaptable to a wide variety of AFV and MBT turrets. Due to its highly modular structure, DAS is simple to maintain and easy to upgrade.
TISAS is an advanced thermal imaging and fire control upgrade system. It serves as a modular, compact and stand-alone upgrade to many “T-family” tanks including the T-55, T-72, T-80 and T-90, thereby retaining and enhancing existing operational procedures. The TISAS features an advanced high-performance thermal imaging elbow, a digital ballistic computer as well as gunner and commander displays.
LAN-SADOT offers both high-performance and low weight at an exceptional price. Highly compact and accurate, it is the smallest FCS in its class. Utilizing the same method of operation both day and night, its single reticule (used for both lasing and aiming) saves critical time and improves reliability. Furthermore, its automatic and fully computerized operation, combined with a highly accurate laser rangefinder, contributes to an exceedingly effective and accurate threat response.
MSZ-2 is an accurate, versatile and cost-effective day and night sighting system. Featuring unique compact construction, it also includes an eye-safe laser rangefinder, a large observation window and a high-performance image intensifier night channel.
CAPS is designed to provide commanders inside the vehicle with real-time situational awareness as well as fast and accurate target acquisition. CAPS is a highly compact, armor protected, dual-axis stabilized line-of-sight, remote-operated, video-based (thermal and day cameras) nx360° periscope system. It can be used for independent target acquisition, battlefield surveillance and main gun firing in hunter-killer FCS. It is easily adaptable to all AFVs and can serve as the primary sight for Infantry Fighting Vehicles.