Tandem Assault Crossing System

Tandem Assault Crossing System

TACS Tandem Assault Crossing System

Assault bridging system for multiple gap crossing

The Tandem Assault Crossing System (TACS) is an assault bridging system with multiple-gap-crossing capability.

The system enables enhanced maneuverability on the battlefield, providing armed forces with an immediate solution to overcome obstacles to forward progress. The system enables operation in mountain terrain, including over deliberate road craters, and offers multiple obstacle capability. 

The TACS ensures high survivability and redundancy.
The system comprises an Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge (AVLB) launcher and two identical, symmetrical, and interchangeable MLC-70 bridges of high-strength steel, each bridge 11.7m long, capable of spanning gaps of up to 11m wide. The AVLB can carry and deploy the TACS with no changes to the launcher. The first bridge becomes the launcher for the second bridge. The bridges can be launched and retrieved from either end.