

Mini Stand-Alone Missile Protection System

The MINI-SAMP small-form decoy flare dispenser system is capable of defeating modern IR-seeking
MANPADS and air-to-air missiles. With one-third the weight and length of standard flares, the mini stand-alone missile protection system provides protection for light helicopters previously undefended due to weight constraints.

Enhanced survivability and protection
MINI-SAMP features enhanced operational capabilities and systems architecture. With significant weight reduction and reduced drag, MINI-SAMP enables defense of valuable assets with reduced SWaP. The reduced weight system carries the same number of countermeasures as the standard system.

Firing system: The MINI-SAMP threat adaptive system includes hundreds of firing programs with automatic, semi-automatic, and manual firing modes, short firing intervals and simultaneous firing for high rate dispensing and automatic misfire compensation. The firing systems can be uploaded from ground equipment or via the aircraft data bus.

Operational systems and safety: Operational features include critical quantity alert and automatic payload identification inventory and display, in-flight activity recording and in-flight failure data logging. Emergency jettison is enabled under any operating mode, including “OFF”. Distributed system architecture provides built-in redundancy.


System integration and compatibility: The MINI-SAMP is available as a complete system installed on aircraft or as an upgrade kit for retrofitting existing Countermeasure Dispenser Systems (CDMS) already in use. The system is fully compatible with all aircraft systems (discrete lines, RS-422 serial communication, MIL-STD-1553 multiplex data bus). The cockpit control unit is compatible with Night Vision Goggles (NVG).

Extensive support package: MINI-SAMP includes test equipment for all maintenance levels; a 3-layer Builtin-
Test (BIT) includes Power-on BIT, Continuous BIT, and Initiated BIT. The system also includes a firing program
download/upload set and comprehensive documentation and training programs.

MINI-SAMP is available in configurations of 2, 4 and 8 dispensers, and in custom-designed configurations up to 32 dispensers.