Total Protection
Evolving from over two decades of technical and operational experience in developing, delivering and fielding of infrared-based self-protection and mission-enhancement systems, Elisra is introducing its revolutionary IR-CENTRIC® solution. IR-CENTRIC® utilizes the foundations of the de-facto standard in missile warning systems, an infrared-based Missile Warning System (IR MWS), to harness the information streamed from its sensors for facilitating a multi-role multi-function nexus, mission, protection and safety enhancement from one single system while responding to most modern airborne and ground operational requirements.
While a traditional MWS filters out all non-threat-related data and remain with emitter point source detection only, IR-CENTRIC® applications make use of this data to support their functionality. The type and magnitude of such data differs from application to application.
for Optimal Protection Main IR-CENTRIC® capability is the passive detection and tracking of approaching missiles. Upon detection of such missile, the system alerts the crew and automatically activates available countermeasures. The usage of IR technology provides the combination of maximum detection range, lowest false alarm rate at all altitudes, scenarios and sceneries, highest probability of detection,on-time flares dispensing and fastest and most accurate laser DIRCM cueing. Un-matched protection for platform is achieved against what is known to be the #1 cause for platforms shoot-down in recent decades.
Hostile Fire (HF) threats, such as Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) and heavy machine guns, become a greater risk to platform survivability in recent years. As a result, the need for immediate solutions has become a worldwide challenge. As the firing of most kinds of munitions involves the generation of an IR radiation, The system can detect it while allowing discrimination of different sources and types and prioritization for warning alerts.
With its ability to provide real-time processing of the real-time streaming imagery representing the surroundings of the platform, tracking and monitoring of close-by platform (such as helicopters in formation) becomes possible. Using special algorithms, estimation of these collision-potential sources is made – allowing the issuance of audio-visual alert upon penetrating own-ship surrounding safety zone.
Record, Analyze and Learn with IR-CENTRIC® you are able to record streaming and still IR image data and analyze it carefully offline.Following mission debriefing , the use of these images can provide better bombing damage assessment, peer performance and cooperation review, hostile intrusion trends and it can even supply data on changes taking place within battlefield arena.
Up in the air or down on ground, manned or unmanned platforms - with IR-CENTRIC®, mission enhancement for attack, utility, support or any other platform is guaranteed. More info will be provided for this capability upon request.