Your Invisible Eye in the Sky
Skylark I-LEX is an organic, highly covert aerial ISR asset delivering actionable, high-resolution video in real-time. It enables man packed or vehicle-based deployment and allows for static or on-the-move operation.
Skylark I-LEX is the latest evolution of the battle-proven, high performance Skylark I system, which has been delivered to over 30 different users worldwide. Skylark I-LEX’s outstanding capabilities are based on operational experience gained through tens of thousands of operational sorties by the IDF and various NATO and other international users.
Designed for in-theater operation by maneuvering forces, Skylark I-LEX is highly autonomous. Its mission-oriented, intuitive man machine interface (MMI) makes it the optimal solution for a variety of military, HLS and commercial applications.

Key Benefits
- Highly deployable and simple to operate by just two operators inaudible at 100 meters above ground level
- Autonomous from takeoff, throughout mission and landing
- Gimbaled and stabilized payload – delivers high-quality day and night real-time video
- Airborne airbag system for point recovery, without requiring ground reception devices

Key Features
- Advanced image processing capabilities (tracker2, moving target indicator, geo-registration and mosaicking)
- Remote takeoff mode without communication link with the GCS
- Advanced digital encrypted data link
- Unique capabilities such as Air Data Relay and “hot-swap”
- RVT and commander control station with live UAV payload video, telemetry and data
- Ability to integrate with user’s C4I