Naval Decoy Control & Launching System (DCLS)
Raising the Bar on Surface Vessel Defense
Today’s seafaring vessels face a wide range of advanced threats that require rapid, sophisticated and continuously updated responses within moments of detection.
Building on decades of successful experience, the 4th Generation DESEAVER provides remarkable flexibility and 360° defense coverage, significantly increasing the high level of surface vessels’ survival.
Continuously receiving threat data from various onboard sensors, the DESEAVER Mk-4 system evaluates and classifies each threat and generates a unique defense plan tailored to the specific threat and based on the customer anti-missile doctrine.
Utilizing advanced deception and confusion tactics, the DESEAVER activates an array of stabilized launchers and deploys a diverse set of decoys in very precise positioning and timing. The system automatically and simultaneously responds to multiple threats from multiple directions. All DESEAVER Mk-4 activities are recorded for later debriefs and Course to Steer (CtS) recommendations are provided.
DESEAVER Defense Techniques
DESEAVER Mk-4 offers 3 launcher types: Fixed Rocket Launcher Unit (FRLU), Rotating Rocket Launcher Unit (RRLU) and Stabilized Rocket Launcher Unit (SRLU). Each system may include any combination of these launchers, which can all be tailored to different types of rockets and decoys. The configuration is defined according to the vessel type and customer requirements.
The fixed launchers are installed in several positions on deck to provide maximum defense coverage for the ship. FRLU’s typical capacity is 12-24 decoy rockets.
The rotating launchers, with a typical capacity of 24 rockets, can quickly rotate to the required launching azimuth, providing a 360°, comprehensive defense of the ship. The launcher tubes are mounted at a fixed elevation and can be installed at different elevation angles.
This highly advanced fully stabilized launcher has a very high-speed maneuvering capability in both azimuth and elevation overcoming sea conditions (pitch and roll). Precise launch of decoys enables full control of the decoy positioning in azimuth, elevation and range. Through these capabilities the DESEAVER Mk-4 provides an advanced, highly effective defense solution.
The DESEAVER’s generated anti-missile defense plan is based on the Missile Data File (Customer pre-defined Data Table) to suit each specific threat. These plans successfully handle single and multiple threat scenarios.
The modular, lightweight, small footprint DESEAVER system can be tailored to a wide range of platforms, from patrol boats to frigates. The DESEAVER can be integrated with existing on-board combat systems including CMS, ESM, EW, Radar