Guided Mortar Munitions illustration

Guided Mortar Munitions

LG2MK  Laser Guided Mortar Kit

Guided Mortar Munition Series (GMM)

Precision strike capability in an independent and fast fire network for immediate response is critical to support maneuvering tactical combat units.

Our high-precision 120mm guided mortar munitions (GMM) feature the Pure Heart guidance system, which integrates and synchronizes navigation, real-time computing and mission control systems for enhanced performance, complying with the demand for high accuracy and effectiveness together with low collateral damage and rapid delivery. 

Equipped with a multi-mode fuze, blast and fragmentation warhead and concrete penetration warhead, our advanced weapon solutions delivers first round accurate, extended-range firing with near vertical trajectory at line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and “over the hill” targets, in urban or open terrain, and in all weather conditions. Our combat-proven guided mortar munitions require less manpower and fewer rounds of ammunition, minimizing the operational and logistics tail. Ideal for tactical combat units, Special Forces and other combat units.