Modular and scalable open architecture with GVA-compliant interfaces and protocols ‒ well suited for dismounted forces and vehicles Elbit Systems has harnessed its third-party integration expertise and its track record of tactical solutions deployment to launch SMART Suite, delivering the comprehensive infrastructure required for tactical C4I supremacy.
The SMART family of products enables mounted and dismounted forces to maintain the flow of tactical multimedia and data information over heterogeneous tactical networks (legacy, non-IP, IP, etc.), providing the complete application platform for any C4I requirement. Utilizing both standard and TIGER™ routing and data dissemination protocols, the routers generate a unified “Tactical Internet” for seamless communications across the entire chain of command. The advanced application server, which is incorporated into the suite’s basic configuration, provides the complete range of computing services for integrated or third-party applications.
Based on a modular and open architecture approach, the SMART suite allows for seamless integration of platforms, sensors, weapons and C4I applications, while maintaining the best SWAP (size, weight, and power) for its class. The SMART tactical media router (TMR) core unit provides the functionality required for 80% of vehicles in the field. Complementary units provide additional audio, video and connectivity capabilities for advanced node types.
With advanced integrated radio communications services (IRCS) and TIGER protocols, the solution effectively establishes a collaborative tactical multimedia cloud ‒ an essential component for collective engagement and force protection on the modern battlefield.
Yehuda (Udi) Vered, General Manager of Elbit Systems Land & C4I Division, commented: “Based on Elbit Systems’ extensive experience in real-world dynamic battlefield conditions, we are uniquely qualified in the deployment of advanced tactical C 4 I solutions that deliver a qualitative military advantage. Our latest SMART family of products incorporates a common vehicle architecture across all platforms and variants, reducing platform complexities and optimizing SWAP across the entire solution.”