
MTGR Accessories

The MTGR (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) system offers a comprehensive suite of accessories that significantly enhance its capabilities across various mission scenarios. These accessories transform the MTGR into a versatile and adaptable platform for diverse operational needs.


Wire Cutter - Fast mounting wire cutting tool:
The Roboteam wire cutter system allows for easy and intuitive cutting of various metallic wires up to 14-gauge width. The wire cutter is easily assembled with an adapter that attaches to the MTGR’s manipulator grippers.


Door Opening Fingertips - Door opening ability in multiply scenarios:
The Roboteam fingertips system mimics the natural knob/handle turning motion typical of a human hand to allow the end-user to easily open doors with the manipulator. This accessory also extends the reach of the manipulator by approximately 30 cm.


X-Ray - Wireless X-ray object detector explorer:
MTGR with X-ray capabilities reduces risks to the operating forces by detecting and exploring objects with high precision in real-time. The X-ray is designed for NDT radiography applications, suitable for all terrain and weather conditions.


Charging Case - 4-battery simultaneous charger:
System readiness, fast deployment and intensive training. Suitable for Roboteam 24v batteries, charging time for all 4 batteries is 2.5 hours.


Autonomous Navigation Module - 3D Mapping with “Follow Me” capability:
The Mapping and Follow Me operational modes enable semi-autonomous navigation of the MTGR, giving the end-user hands-free control of the unit. In addition, the Mapping Head can map its environment in real-time for optimal situational awareness in any mission.


Ground Wire Exposer- Ability to revel hidden threats in the ground:
The Ground Wire Exposer allows the end-user to detect and expose hidden wires in various terrains, such as sand or rocky ground. This accessory can be easily assembled onto the Picatinny adaptor, which attaches to the MTGR’s manipulator grippers.


Speaker - Ruggedized & IP65 voice message transferring device:
The speaker accessory is a IP65 certificated quick-assembly speaker that enables the operator to engage with the “other side” of the operation without getting near the danger zone. The MTGR with the speaker provides be directional communication.


Activation Circuit - Wireless safety initiator:
The Roboteam Activation Circuit allows for the safe firing/initiation of any remote device, such as disruptor or breaching device. The dedicated software enables the end-user to first position the robot, aim the device, activate a safe arming sequence and commence activation within 30 seconds.


Add-On Observation Head - High quality thermal & zoom camera for ISR missions:
The Add-On HD Observation Head can carry both a thermal image sensor camera and a high-resolution day and night camera. The system can detect a person at 1100m (3100m for a vehicle). The Observation Head is placed on top of the manipulator arm, integrating fully with the MTGR system to ensure the success of intelligence gathering missions.


Breadcrumb - Lightweight relay with MESH network communication:
The Roboteam “Breadcrumb” Relay Unit is a dedicated RF relay mechanism using sophisticated MESH networking that automatically relays an RF signal to any robot in the desired area.


Mast Camera - Improve vantage point:
The Mast Camera improves the operator’s vantage point and perspective of the area inspected.


CBRN Integration Kit - Real-time alerts and notifications for hazardous materials detection on the control unit:
The CBRN Integration Kit is suitable for the JCAD sensor and allows for long-range, stand-off detection of chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemical detection, all from the lightweight MTGR platform.