
Urban Security Solution

Multi-layered solution for public safety and urban security

Public security: An urban challenge

Maintaining public safety and security is one of the major challenges facing urban municipalities today. Cities need effective public safety solutions to ensure the security of residents and tourists, preserve public order and prevent incidents such as theft, vandalism, drug trafficking and transportation disruptions. However, cities often lack
synchronization and cooperation between the various emergency entities operating within the city, as well as a unified command and control system that manages day-to-day and emergency situations.
Effective urban security solutions must be capable of detecting an event, identifying and classifying it, alerting all related systems and responding accordingly - all in real time.

Comprehensive security approach in a complex urban environment

Elbit Security Systems Ltd’s (ELSEC) Urban Security Solution enables municipal authorities, emergency services and law enforcement agencies to reduce crime, urban violence and public disturbances. The Urban
Security Solution also helps secure public events and maintain effective crowd control at sporting events, demonstrations, concerts and other large public gatherings.

Using deep learning image analytics technology, combined with media aggregation and rapid alerts, the Urban Security Solution provides a comprehensive situational awareness and advanced situation management
solution that facilitates detection, identification and location capabilities for emergency response teams. ELSEC’s solution enables first responders to achieve a significant reduction in the reaction time necessary to
successfully handle crime-related incidents and emergency scenarios.


Concept of Operations (CONOPS)

Deterrence, control, collaboration and intelligence are the four pillars upon which ELSEC’s Urban Security Solution CONOPS is based.

  • Deterrence: Visible sensors placed in key locations as a deterrent to potential perpetrators
  • Control: A sophisticated C2 system unifies the multi-agency situational awareness picture by integrating data gathered from multiple sources
  • Collaboration: Sharing of information between multiple agencies on a regular basis facilitates rapid and efficient response when necessary
  • Intelligence: Advanced analytics allow for real-time and past events investigation


Expert Services

  • Risk Assessment - Survey the urban environment and understand the challenges
  • CONOP - Create a research-based Concept of Operations tailored to the city’s requirements
  • Integration - Integrate a wide range of technologies developed both in-house and with 3rd party vendors
  • SOP - Develop and implement Standard Operating Procedures into the C2 System to support operators’ decision-making processes, including alerts, information distribution and automatic commands
  • ILS - Provide Integrated Logistic Support for long-term operations, including a web-based maintenance interface, technical and professional support and operational training