C5ISR system enabling multi-domain warfare and enhanced operational effectiveness for tactical, operational and strategic level HQ
Torch-X HQ is a field-proven C5ISR solution for tactical headquarters (Battle Groups and Task Forces) and strategic headquarters (from Division level and up to the Joint Command). The cross-platform, comprehensive solution provides real-time data, advanced voice services and live video streaming with automatic, secure, location and COI-based dissemination of near real-time relevant information. Torch-X HQ allows headquarters to generate superior tempo relative to their adversary and shortens the decision-action cycle for the delivery of kinetic and non-kinetic effects in the battlespace.

Key Features
- Supports all battlefield domains and disciplines
- Powerful data synchronization that overcomes network limitations
- Distributed cloud-based architecture to facilitate continuity of operations
- AI-based decision support tools for battle planning and battle execution
- Autonomous nodes with no single point-of-failure
- Supports both human troops and autonomous robotic troops
- Supports numerous interoperability standards

Key Benefits
- Collaborative planning and battle management
- Common situational awareness
- Supports all military operations, structures and methods
- Simple and intuitive user interface