The E-LynX⢠SR is a cutting-edge tactical multi-band, multi-channel soldier Software Defined Radio (SDR) designed for dismounted forces. This combat-proven solution offers a dynamic and secure network adaptable to any terrain or mission.
With complete NATO frequency coverage across U, L, and S bands, the E-LynX SR⢠provides extended network coverage and high data rates. It features advanced techniques such as cognitive waveforms with spectrum sensing, unique multi-hop concurrent flooding, and MIMO technology.
The radio ensures robust communication through unmatched immunity, information security, and GNSS-independent self-synchronization. Its versatile operation supports multiple scenarios, including Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T).
The E-LynX SR integrates various services, allowing simultaneous high-quality voice sessions, IP data, Blue Force Tracking (BFT), and video in a single network. Users benefit from an intuitive interface with voice menu, multi-language support, wireless Push-to-Talk (PTT), and headset compatibility.
As part of the E-LynX SDR family, this radio delivers advanced multi-domain networking solutions, meeting the complex communication and connectivity needs of modern battlefields across all echelons and operational scenarios. With its superior RF performance and minimal Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP), the E-LynX SR ensures seamless communication and enhanced situational awareness for dismounted forces.