Multi-band, multi-waveform tactical SDR
Elbit Systems’ E-LynX HH is a multi-band, multi-waveform and multi-role tactical SDR, designed specifically to support combat land/maritime forces over any terrain type. The radio operates in VHF and UHF
bands continuously and featuring GPS-independent synchronization for all operating modes. This future-proof 5W Handheld SDR offers seamless communications and situational awareness, while utilizing
unprecedented immunity (ECCM) and communications security (COMSEC) for a multitude of missions and applications.
Key Benefits
- Powerful SDR platform enabling multiple waveforms covering the NATO mobile frequency bands from 30MHz to 512MHz
- Extended networking coverage using robust and unique multi-hop concurrent flooding techniques
- Robust design for harsh combat conditions
- Simultaneous multiple voice sessions along with data, BFT and video services
- Supports a multitude of interfaces required in a modern combat system solution
- Simple and intuitive user interface using icon-based color display
Key Features
- Embedded IP router supporting standard IP routing protocols
- VOIP and analog voice interface support
- Embedded GPS supporting continuous high resolution Blue Force Tracking capabilities
- GPS-independent synchronization