Elbit Systems Helmet Mounted Systems (HMS) for helicopters are designed with open architecture using the same core processor to allow customer end-product flexibility from utility, to attack or multi-role use. Our Nap of the Earth technologies allow for safe flight both in Day and Night operations. Our systems are combat-proven and sustain a high field MTBF rate while integrating with both new and mature onboard avionics.
Our HMS product line provides cost effective operational value for customer needs, including training and support. Using our standard interfaces allows HMS upgrades with no need to modify the helicopter installment base for night, day, wide-field-of-view, Cueing, MMI, and safe high performance vision systems.
Unique to Elbit Systems is the force behind the solutions – a team of active-duty pilots and highly skilled engineers who create the best solutions that optimize performance, human engineering, safety, reliability and combat operation.

Helicopter Helmets

Elbit Systems’ Helmet Mounted Systems (HMS) for helicopters enable safe flying in both day and night operations. All systems are combat-proven and sustain a high field MTBF rate while integrating with both new and mature on-board avionics. 



The use of standard interfaces allows for HMS upgrades without requiring modifications to the helicopter installment base when adding night, day, wide-field-of-view, cueing, man-machine interface (MMI), and safety high-performance vision systems.



Elbit Systems leadership in the field of helicopter HMS, is particularly evident in the attack rotorcraft HMS market, where the Company’s ANVIS-HUD™ is the preferred choice for utility rotorcraft platforms. More than 5,000 helicopters worldwide are equipped with Elbit Systems’ ANVISHUD systems.

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